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في بعض الأحیان یشعر صغارنا بالتوتر عند الذھاب إلى المدرسة في بلٍد جدید، وھذا طبیعي جًدا.  نحن ھنا بجانبكم عبر

ھذا الكتاب، نریدكم أن تشعر بالسعادة والأمان، نحن دوًما معكم

Welcome to School in Canada [Arabic]

SKU: 364215376135191
  • There are many different things to learn about school in Canada. This little book introduces readers to many of these ideas. The book has been translated into different languages and has English words to practice, too. There are practice pages to help you learn different ideas like colours, numbers, counting, clothing, feelings and more.

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